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Situated four miles south of Nosy Be the island is a great tourist destination for day trippers.

from the anchorage

It has been a marine reserve for many years and the fish are so tame that you swim in clouds of them, there are all the reef fish, schools of pelagic fish, coral heads and rock formations all in snorkeling depths, when we were there, one of the turtles would come over for a neck scratch.

We arrived there in the late afternoon, this we did on purpose so we would miss


the hordes of day trippers that infest the island daily and were treated to a beautiful sunset.

The next day we went ashore and were horrified at what we saw. This beautiful island was littered with trash from the European tourists. What we saw there was unmentionable, some women have no self respect, and that is from what are supposed to be educated people. The place had been trashed.

a very small portion of the trash

more trash

We were incensed at the sight and ashamed that people could behave in such a manner. Worst of all, we would be lumped with them in the same horrific mess, as we were also tourists and white.

Another reason to be ashamed was that another yachtsman had stolen the solar panels that powered the lighthouse on the island.

We rapidly retreated to the water and went snorkeling, here our souls could repair

the other end of the island

in the tranquility and beauty of the clouds of fish, colourful corals, and lack of pollution. There was a bit but we hauled it out to dispose of later.

As the droves of tourist boats arrived we beat a hasty retreat to a more peaceful anchorage.

the peace and beauty of the undersea.