

The batteries arrived yesterday. YAY!

old batteries out, new batteries about to go in

old batteries out, new batteries, still in thier boxes, about to go in

We went to Gibraltar with the boat to pick them up, as we have no car it is easier, we had a 15kn NW wind and it was very bouncy in the marina in Gibraltar, it reminded us of how fortunate we are in the Alcaidesa Marina in La Linea where our mooring is very calm in all weathers, ok so we do not have the restaurants, bars and noise, for which we are also grateful.

On the way across the tray with my new sauerkraut fell and half the contents went rolling around the floor.

That evening I intended to sort them out after supper but got sidetracked, just before going to bed I remembered. I dissolved the salt in a pan of water and topped them up and went to bed, leaving the pot with some salt water left on the stove.

home fermented veg, very healthy

home fermented veg, very healthy

Needless to say Mike used the water to make his ginger tea, he was rather miffed at his asalted taste buds, what did not help was my laughter.